“Nedra is responsible for helping me get my business off the ground. She knows the process in which to build a solid business and understands how to build a social media presence. If you don't do it (marketing) in a process, then you're like a ship without a rudder. You may be doing things, but you're not doing things with purpose.”

Chris Williams - Case Study


Chris Williams is a data analysis expert and the CTO of Precision Analytics Group, LLC. Chris knew his website didn’t match the professional level of his business. His website also did not communicate the right story and image.


I worked with Chris and built a 90 Day Custom Marketing Roadmap that broke down, step by step, the necessary changes for his website, including ways to rebuild it.

Chris was eager to find the “right” web designer to build his new website. I advised Chris through every step of the process to find a web designer. From the RFP to the final agreement with the web designer and how to onboard a freelancer.

In Chris’ custom marketing roadmap, I also encouraged engagement in LinkedIn through posting and engaging with referral partners and potential clients. Chris attends conferences throughout the year and LinkedIn is a great tool to network and showcase events at conferences.


Chris’ business grew due because his new, professional website,  LinkedIn engagement, and networking.  Chris came back to work with me a year later, wanting help to find a bookkeeper and create a marketing strategy with social media and email marketing he could delegate.

I guided him to create a summary of his financial needs and interview 2 qualified, vetted bookkeeping professionals. I walked Chris through each step to help him onboard his freelancers and set him up for success. 

Chris’ business has grown in the last few years, he’s landing larger clients and contracts, and his team is growing. Chris can relax and sleep better at night now that he has freelancers he can count on and more time to spend with his clients.